Monday, July 19, 2010

clubbing make-up tutorial

hello Peeps!! sorry i'm soo busy, and jarang update...maklum la budak form6 la katakn ;p
ok, sekarang ni pika saja nk tunjuk kn korang sume mcm mane nk buat clubbing make-up, soo kalau tak cantik or korang tak puas hati jgn la kutuk yer...hahaha...sebab pika pun tak pernah do this look for clubbing, kenapa?? sebab pika tak pernah clubbing la...senang jer jwpannyer...hahaha! soo i just have fun doing this look at home..;p

nude face;) hahaha lazy to apply face powder

i'm using white as my highlight* purple and black for my eyelids* and brown for my eyebrows*
apply the purple colour;)

and apply some purple glitter eyeshadow;)
apply black colour at the corner of your eyes;) blend it smoothly....

ok, pika mata kau dah sgt's scary people who wacthing this picO_o
it's time to apply your black eyeliner
draw on your upperlids
and smudges a lil bit using using cottonwoods

highlight your eyebrows bone using white eyeshadow

and apply dark brown eyeshadow to make your eyebrows more thicker

curl your eyelashes...;p
apply mascara!
apply lipscolour from lipsice...i'm using fresh plum colour
apply red lipgloss for sexy lips
apply cream blusher for more glowing effect...

apply pink blusher for more sweet look;)

ok sorry for the pic, maybe korang sume tak nmpk make-up dgn clear, kerana pika menggunakn webcam saje, sebab my mum nyorok kn camera oleh kerana tak tahan melihat anak gadisnyer yg asyik tangkap gambar dengan wajah yg mengedik hahahaha....btw this last pic mcm nak snap pic for passport...;p
lagi satu, sorry sgt sebab pika memang tak pandai sgt make-up, saje jer maen2 buat experiment make-up2 nie, ala mcm main masak-masak ;p hampeh!

p/s: muke gedik giler dlm sume pic di atas...;p toodles


Anonymous said...

nice try. i suke warna purple. sgt cantek. suka gambar muncung mulut dgn lipice tuuu. haha. comel!

pika said...

hahahhaa...saje jer maen2 try..boring..and tak tau nk updatea ape,;p
hahaha muncung tuh gedik sgt..
btw thanks dear;)

Elin said...

clubbing make-up besanye tebal-tebal je tapi yang ni sungguh nature jek.. suke la tgk.. beauty!

pika said...

yupp, i tak suke tebal2...soo i keep it simple and the glitter will look more stunning under the light;) thanks;)