Friday, July 27, 2012

latest update!! :D

hi korang, how you all? sihat? me sihat ajer, anyways....I want to update more about my study life, I know I promised to update it last time, but my study life are soo damn hectic.... :(

Anyways firstly what I want to share right now is about friendship....I did make a lot of friends, but true friends is hard to find, some of them is really a backstabbers, kaki tumpang kesenangan orang, semua benda nak bergantung harap pada semua orang, I really hate that type of friends! sebab pantang aje kawan tuh anak orang senang, semuanya nak bergantung, tempat private pun tak reti nk jaga, sampai bila kau nak main ambil jer pad kawan kau tuh? parents dia penat-penat menjaga keperluan anak dia, senang-senang ajer kau nak tumpang? kalau lupa nak beli tuh kadang-kadang boleh la di terima pakai, tapi kalau hari-hari tuh memang melampau la weyh! and then boleh selamba ajer bukak peti orang ambil pads kawan kau tuh, muka macam tembok giler! and backstabber too! dengan perasaan yang agak marah terpaksa pika diamkan ajer, bila dah tahu kawan tuh jenis macam tu memang terpaksa la nyorok barang-barang berharga, well sebab tahu kawan tuh jenis yang suka ambil barang orang and then buat-buat tak kesah...please la, setiap kali kalau datang bulan tuh boleh tak kau prepared awal-awal? haih...bukannya I tak suka untuk share but it's our private things, and we should take care of it....right guys? sorry la if ada yang membaca post ni adalah kaum Adam, dan bukan juga niat nak memperlekehkan kaum Hawa, but we should take care and noticed about this! learn to respect others private things and take care of your own private things! now I really learn a lot about friendships, and I think that my highschool friends is much more better....muka hot atau cun pun tak guna kalau setiap kali period baru tercari-cari pads and then pinjam orang, malu la weyh!

hurm how about Housemates? kebanyakkan la semua jenis yang macam x kesah and tak nak ambil tahu apa-apa pasal rumah sewa tuh, and kebersihan memang tak reti jaga, sampah malas nak buang and then berkira-kira sangat pasal pembayaran duit sewa rumah, kalau berkira and tak mampu please kutip kupon kolej okay? and one more thing, why friends ni jenis yang suka mendengki? baru up sikit boleh lukis potret dah naik minyak and critic budak fine art punyer lukisan, weyh, kau ni memang tak sedar di untung, semester lepas kau yang kerap tanya aku pasal lukisan, and then ada hati pulak nak tukar kos program...Boooo!! aku tak perlu nak berlagak and show off kat kau dgn lukisan aku....pergghhh memang menyirap rasanya pika tahun ni......

oh yes, my 2 nd semester baru jer habis, times really fly and won't wait for anyone, this semester a bit crazy! too many swings and too much dramas, and now finally I'm gonna update about my study life, friends and artworks... ;)

 my fine art classmates...only 4 girls...
 during classes
 this helicopter made from dawai...serious sakit tangan I buat ni....luka-luka :(
 ambigos :)
 oil painting, first time paint on maaf la yer memang tak cantik :(
 apa kejadah benda ni? ini di panggil composition, something like that of our assignemets.
 first time guna water color, adik-2adik ini bukan guna Buncho tau? sebab kebanyakkan cikgu sekolah suka sangat cakap Buncho tu watercolor...itu POSTER COLOR okay? :)

 one of my drawing using charcoal.... :D
 This picture was taken during my first semester, in hostel, buat print-making, tak ada tempat nak gantung kertas-kertasyang banyak ni, so terpaksa buat alternative sendiri, pandai tak? hahaha :P
 yes, one of my fav! Islamic art....KHAT :D It's a good experienced to learned this because you can't find it in anywhere...thanks Uitm for provided this subject in our course :)
 YEAH, print-making final....yang paling terkemas and terbersih sekali antara berpuluh-puluh kertas yang telah di print guna tangan dan cat.... :D
 Cute and creative, made by arts students :D
 Bangga :D LOLOLOL
 My final painting :) ada bezakan?
 and down here is my sculpture project, Mr. FAT Squirrel :) tangan lebam and bengkak-bengkak buat benda ni...huhuhu but it's worth it....

final presentation during first semestar
okay guys...picture-pictures di atas is duirng my first semester....I'm gonna upload more pictures during my 2nd semester....soon! :)

<3 pika xoxo

Monday, April 23, 2012

my University life...

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone, sorry sebab lambat update....atas sebab terlupa email and password untuk blog...maklum la apabila dah jadi students ni terus assignments berlambak...

my university life is quite interesting...too many things happen in short period for one semester, and now Alhamdulillah i'm in 2nd semester.... :) I've been thru a lot of things...
and yeah forgot to tell you all that I'm an Art & Design student ( Fine Art ) being an art students is really challenging for me...because lack of sleeps, and need to be energetic all the time....
but somehow I really hate when others people or other students from different courses underestimated us because we are an Art students...Fyi, without art there will be no civilazation!! so mind that! we are Class of our own! so watch your mouth! some of our students also from science stream, so what you can say about that??
okay2 enough of this.....

Anyway remember my others update about this girl who said that I'm such a bitch, and stupid and also not same level as her, seriously Jeng jeng jeng! we enter the same university on the same time! and bumped into each other! she was like shocked and terkejut beruk!! and the best part is we meet in the Uitm Mosque, how Miracle and Fair Allah is, I still remember that I told her, who is she to level others, is she so that good? is she like daughter of God?? damn girl you are still keep talking that you so much better then me, its okay, I don't need anything to pay back what you had did, because Allah is by my side, and yeah, after that accidently we joined the same activity curricular.....nevermind, girl, I know you are soo sombong and think you are soo damn good, you know what, I don't careless about you, do whatever you want...I have no grunge on you....

I make more friends, and having a good time, eventhough have to do assignments till 5:30 am then woke up on 7's damn crazy but Alhamdulillah I still can manage my time :)
later I will update more and upload more of my pictures and also my artwork...can't wait everyone!! love ya!! and take care<3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mother, I'll keep my words....


yesterday was really a special day, do u know why??

me, your daughter that lack of everything, will be enter university to get her Degree...

I wonder do u still remember your words that really hurt me??

" why you still want to enter form 6??why you want to enter university like others?? you only deserve to be a teacher, and why you didn't accept it?? you are not pretty and not even smart to go to university...., now u didn't get any offers from any university, so what u gonna do now?? eat and sleep??? and be a burden??"

trust me, your words are killing me every single days in this couple years....

do you want to know why I enter form 6??

because myself eager want to further my study since I was young, and I want to prove to you that I can be just like others, eventhough I'm lack in everything since I was born, but I have something that not other people will have it...

it's my heart..and my spirit, and believe that Allah S.W.T gonna help me...

I still curious why I still alive...eventhough i was born as premature baby...

now I realized that Allah S.W.T gave me a strong heart beats....

it's meant...he didn't want me to gave up my life....and keep being strong!!~

that is one of the reasons why I'll never give up...and Allah S.W.T hate people who likes to give up....

Alhamdulillah...Allah hears my prays.....

whatever it is MOTHER, I promised u that gonna see me graduate.....

and this will be your presents for mothers days past 10 years ago....

because you told me when I was young, you want nothing but want me to study hard and enter university( but you forgot ) gonna see it soon...and better for you to bring your camera along:)

I'll never keep any grunge on you, it just make me upset when u didn't even believe me that i can do it, when everyone does.....

your beautiful and strongest daughter,
Pika Yusof

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anak- anak yatim yg tertimbus akibat daripada kejadian tanah runtuh

pada pukul 2:30 ptg semalam, Rumah Anak-anak yatim Al-taqwa hampir separuh tertimbus akibat daripada kejadian tanah runtuh, ketika kejadian tersebut mereka sedang mengadakn rehersal nyanyian nasyid, bersama-sama dengan beberapa orang penjaga....untuk maklumat lebih lanjut sila klik> di sini dan untuk view lebih banyak gambar di tempat kejadian klik > di sini

mari kita sama-sama sedekahkn Al-fatihah kepada mangsa-mangsa yang terkorban-Amin-

Friday, May 20, 2011


tak sangke one of my fav blogger telah kembali ke alam rahmatullah, sape lg kalo bukan pemilik blogger Telur di basuh....semoga Allah tempat kn beliau di kalangan orang-orang yg beriman..Amin.:(

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Pika tak sangka yang pika tak dapat interview untuk masuk cos seni halus....sangat depressed sekarang, tak tau nk buat ape dah....Macam2 cara pika dah lakukan, membanting tulang, memerah otak membaca buku2 STPM tuh, and pushed myself to the limits, just untuk capaikan impian pika...lebih2 lagi pika ni memang jenis yg tak pandai dan sgt slow kalau bab2 study....rasa nk menangis jer bila setiap kali FAILED!! bila dapat result....tak tau nak cakap apa dekat ibu ayah bila tengok result macam tuh....terngiang-ngiang lagi kata2 ibu di telinga bila ibu suruh pika masuk MAKTAB and jadi cikgu...kata2 ibu cukup mengguriskan hati pika....
lebih merisaukan apabila pika kena ambil extra subjek kalau nak ambil cos seni dekat university....4 subjek sudah terasa begitu beban di bahu, apatah lagi 5 subjek, dan terpaksa belajar sendiri serta tunjuk ajar dari cikgu Halijah....

Pika juga terpakse mendengar pelbagai cemuhan orang luar dan ahli keluarga..., bagi mereka ia hanya sekadar seni, tapi ia lebih daripada itu....!!
Alhamdulillah usaha pika tak sia-sia, dan subjek seni pika dapat A-, walaupun A-, pika dah cukup bersyukur kerana huruf A tuh dah cukup mengembirakan...

Namun..., sekarang ni
pika tak tau ape lg yg pika patut buat sekarang ni, segala syarat kemasukan semua pika dah penuhi...mungkin terlampau banyak saingan kali ini, tapi pika percaya Allah S.W.T tak akan sia-siakan usaha hambanya..., sekarang ni usaha yang pika cuba ialah hanya berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T...Amin.